Monday, March 15, 2010

Think happy thoughts!

So far the house hunt has been pretty awful. We all know that I'm second only to Polyanna herself in playing the "Glad Game"... But even I have been hard pressed to find anything to be glad about with 9 out of 10 of the homes I've looked at so far! Yeah, that's bad!

This weekend was a little better. We only looked at 8 places (as opposed to the 37 the week before!) but I liked 3 of them! We are putting offers on two of them.

The one I'm in love with (and I am trying SO hard not to get my hopes up too much!) is in old Elk Grove. It's definitely a fixer-upper, but it's in the perfect neighborhood, and it's reeeeeally cute! It's got a huge backyard, a place for a little garden... I am hoping pretty hard!

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