Saturday, May 29, 2010

Keys, cockroaches, and miracles...

On Thursday I called my friend Kheri and told her that I thought I was having a series of really terrible days in order to contrast the next few weeks, which I am positive will just be fantastic!

On Friday I went after work and got the keys to MY house.

Today started early with Miz and me hitting the road for some serious house preparations; cleaning supplies, appliances, and all kinds of odds and ends.

We don't have any appliances, but in this great little community we've got all you have to do is ask and stuff starts falling out of the sky. We've got free dishwasher, and a dryer just waiting for us to pick them up. We're getting a good deal on a stove from a friend. So our first mission of the day was a refrigerator, and a washer. We drove all over Sacramento looking at used appliance stores. The first place was a tiny little warehouse with NO prices on anything, and a woman following you around screeching super ridiculous prices at you! We found one waaaaay out on Auburn that looked very promising. Reasonable prices, good customer service, a good warranty... I was feeling pretty good until I opened up a fridge to have a look - and a cockroach came crawling towards me!! Eeeeeew! Well... That was it for used appliances for me. There's no way I'm taking the chance of a roach infestation! We hightailed it outta that place quickly!

After being turned down for credit at Lowe's I was freaking out a little bit (okay, a LOT a bit...) about what were going to do to keep our food cold and our clothes clean! I sat and worked and re-worked money figures for about an hour. I gave up after the acid in my stomach started being a bit uncomfortable and went to pack.

That was when something pretty miraculous happened. Kelly (my pseudo-dad's widow, and someone I consider extended family they just haven't invented a name for yet) texted me to ask if we'd gotten a fridge yet. I told her that we hadn't but I was working on making some kind of magic happen. She asked if she could help with the magic, and I told her that I would LOVE some help! (I am SO not too proud to accept help from people who love me!) So... I was thinking she'd send a Lowe's gift card for $100 or so - which we would have been SO grateful for! But that's not what she had in mind... She said that she would pay for our fridge up to $1000 - and whatever we didn't spend on the fridge she would just be sending us in the mail.

Then she called and told me how proud she was of me, how proud Troy (pseudo-dad) would be of me, and how much he loved me... And how he would have wanted to help me have nice (roach free) things. :) And  lots of other great stuff that made me cry (in a really nice way).

So our fridge is taken care of. And a ton of other stuff I just won't have to stress over now. I am simply amazed. When I start to think about it words fail me and I get a little choked up. I am very grateful. 

Bobby and I headed over there this evening to start cleaning and prepping the house to be lived in. It's lots of hard work but I am so ecstatic because it is OUR hard work - by us and for us.

I will post pictures of our (mostly Bobby's) handywork when we're close to finished!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A New Baby??

So today is the day that all the fixes are supposed to be done on our new house. I am not completely sure what happens next - I'm waiting to hear. Hopefully what happens next is that I go sign my life away and get some keys!

In the meantime I have a bit of a quandary.... A few weeks ago Hurley and I met this little guy at Pupply Love:
His name is Ledger. He's a Belgain Mallinois. He and Hurley absolutely adore each other. He's a year old, a complete GOOFBALL, and pretty much Hurley's soulmate.
So... We were planning on getting Hurley a friend when we moved to our new place. And we've been given the green light from the Mallinois rescue- Ledger is ours if we want him.

My hesitance is completely superficial. He's a super sweet dog, he snuggles, he plays amazingly well with Hurley, he even gets along with cats! ... But he is not as CUTE as Hurley. And he sheds quite a bit more. Would that keep me from loving him as much?

I think I might be having this kind of hesitation no matter who we adopted.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hurley!

On July 14, 2008 Bobby and I drove up to Grass Valley to pick up this sweet little 2 month old ball of black fluff!!
His crate was about 8 times too big for him, and he threw up in it on the way home!
Several times in his marauding, chewing, biting, rambunctious puppy-hood, murder crossed my mind!

And poor Miz has very nearly lost her mind with all the destruction, dirt, and fur in her house!!
Bobby and I have learned lots about co-parenting with our little "practice kid".
These days he is more like tiny little black hurricane than a ball of fluff!
And not a single one of us even wants to imagine our lives without him! Happy Birthday little Hurls!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I really need to write a book...

Today we were playing Mad Libs with one of our clients. He was having a blast giving us nouns like "turtle", adjectives like "poopy" and silly words like "Poopsaraptor". When he was asked for a body part, he said without hesitation, "Heart! That's what we love with!"

Oh man, sometimes my job is so cool!
