Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The House Hunt

I haven't made a post about the house hunt in quite a while because frankly, I have not seen much that I found inspiring! We have looked at a lot of places DEEP in the ghetto... And a lot of places that are just completely trashed!
Last week Mom and I saw one place that we both liked quite a bit. Right off I liked it because it has a red door! 

I was unsure because of the neighborhood. But the backyard is HUGE, the kitchen is pretty awesome (There's room for Bobby to put in an island for me, someday!) and the rest of the house has lots of potential!


So, after a little more research on the neighborhood (There's a bit of crime in the area, but that happens everywhere!) and a number of drivebys on the house and area (one at night, with Bobby) we've decided to put an offer on it! 

So we'll see what happens!


  1. Is this house anywhere close to me?!

  2. Good luck sweetie!!! You know, I see a red door & I want to paint it black..........

